Submission Guidelines

Peer Review Procedure

Papers are refereed by two anonymous reviewers. The refereeing period is 1 month at maximum. Authors will be notified by email after we received their articles and if their text is accepted for publication, recommended for revision, or rejected.
No processing or publication fees are required.
All submissions should be prepared for double blind peer reviewing: authors should remove all information that could reveal their identity and provide their name and contact information on a separate page. Authors can also mention the names of researchers who they want to exclude from the pool of potential reviewers.

Text Formatting

Texts should be submitted in .doc or .rtf format, and edited using the Times New Roman font, 12 point font size (10 point font size for endnotes). Acceptance or Rejection is not dependent on the Text Formatting.

Title Page

Texts should be prepared for blind reviewing. Authors should write their name, position, affiliation, and contact information (including their e-mail address) on a separate page.


All submissions must be accompanied by an abstract (max. 200 words) in English, together with the English version of the title.

Key Words

5-10 key words should be provided in English, after the abstract. This applies to book reviews as well.

Length of texts

The length of texts submitted for publication should be 3,000-10.000 words for articles and 1,000-5,000 words for book reviews.


We accept submissions in English, German, and Chinese.

Citations and List of References

References should follow the author-date system of the Chicago Manual of Style, the 16th edition (see the Quick Guide).

Sources are cited in the footnotes, as follows: author’s fullname, “title of article” or title of book, in: Name of Journal, or Location of Publisher: Name of Publisher, date of publication, page number.
The reference list should only include works that are cited in the text.

Sample reference for single author books:

Citation in the Footnote: Ralph Dahrendorf, After 1989. Morals, Revolution and Civil Society, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996, Pagenumber.

Sample reference for journal articles:

Entry in the Footnotes: Richard J.  Bernstein, “From Hermeneutics to Praxis.” Review of Metaphysics 35 (4), 1982, 823-845, here: 840.



Notes should be numbered consecutively and placed at the end of the text (endnotes), not as footnotes. They should only be used to provide further information about a particular idea. Endnotes cannot be substituted for the Reference List.


Acknowledgments of grants, funds, etc. should be placed before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.


Papers should be submitted as e-mail attachments to the editors at:

Articles for the Varia and the Book Reviews sections can be submitted at any time.

For other inquiries, cooperations, ideas, please simply send us an email.